Web Design

5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs to Be Redesigned in 2023

Here at Bower Web Solutions, we've been designing and building websites for companies for over twenty years. There's no question that your website is your company’s best marketing tactic and tool for impressing potential new customers. And how your website looks is just as important as the content and product...

Website Accessibility

For most of us, the very idea of a blind person using the web seems outlandish. However, the web can be a life changer for users with disabilities, especially the blind, allowing them quick access to much of the electronic world. Since all text is already electronic, screen readers can...


Magento: An E-Commerce Creator You Can Use

Every year since 2013, E-Commerce sales in the U.S. have surpassed $700 billion for Business to Consumer sales (via Statista.com). That year, 2013, is the last fully official documented sales year that Statista could trace back to – in between 2003 and 2013, e-commerce sales increased by almost $500 billion,...

Free websites are hard to find.

Free Websites Cost You More Than Using Web Developers

Free websites talk the talk, but they can't even stand up. Companies offering free websites like Weebly, Wix, MoonFruit, and the other hundred ones out there are wasting your time and effort. They’re also letting you down. The beautiful templates that you see featured on these websites are enticing – I’ll...

content marketing

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is an effective yet underutilized tool that companies can use to summon internet consumers to their websites. Want to learn what it's all about? Here's a simple 101 guide to using content marketing for your business.