The Great Space Debate: One or Two Spaces After a Sentence?

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The Great Space Debate: One or Two Spaces After a Sentence?

To Space or Not to Space?

In the vast realm of typing etiquette, there exists a battle that has divided writers, editors, and grammar enthusiasts for decades. No, it’s not the Oxford comma or the semicolon; it’s the contentious issue of how many spaces should follow a sentence. Should it be one, like a civilized and modern typist, or two, like a relic from the typewriter era? Buckle up, folks, because we’re diving headfirst into the great space debate!

The Case for One Space:

Advocates of the single-space camp argue that modern typography and word processing software have rendered the need for a double space obsolete. With proportional fonts and improved readability, one space provides a clean and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Plus, it saves precious keystrokes!

The Defense of Two Spaces:

Nostalgia reigns supreme in the double-space kingdom, where die-hard traditionalists argue that two spaces add clarity and help distinguish the end of a sentence. They harken back to the typewriter era, where monospaced fonts necessitated the extra space for visual separation.

The Verdict:

While the debate rages on, the truth is that style guides and typographic norms have evolved. Modern standards, including the likes of The Chicago Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook, now advocate for a single space after a sentence. In fact, many word processors automatically adjust spacing to ensure consistency.

But Wait, There’s a Compromise!

In the spirit of unity, there is a compromise that can bridge the gap between the one-spacers and two-spacers: find your personal preference. As long as your chosen style remains consistent throughout your writing, you can sleep soundly knowing that you’ve made a deliberate choice in the spacing war.


The debate over one space or two spaces after a sentence is one that has caused many a furrowed brow and passionate discussion. Whether you stand firmly in the one-space camp, proudly embrace the double space tradition, or find your own compromise, the important thing is to maintain consistency and ensure readability in your writing. So, fellow typists, let’s set aside our differences and continue to communicate effectively, regardless of the number of spaces that follow a period. Happy typing, everyone!

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