Understanding Domain Names, Registrars, and DNS


Understanding Domain Names, Registrars, and DNS

The internet might seem like a complex maze, but it’s all built on some pretty cool technology. One key part of this technology is domain names and the Domain Name System (DNS). If you’ve ever wondered how typing a web address into your browser takes you to a specific website, this article is for you. Let’s break down what domain names are, what registrars do, how DNS works, and how you can switch your domain to a new web host.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the address you type into your web browser to visit a website, like www.example.com. It’s like the address of a house but for websites. Instead of having to remember a string of numbers (an IP address), you can just remember the domain name.

What is a Domain Registrar?

A domain registrar is a company that manages the reservation of domain names. When you want to create a website, you go to a registrar to buy a domain name. Bower Web Solutions can register a doman name for you. Some other registrars include GoDaddy, Namecheap, and Google Domains. You rnight have registered and manage your domain names through one of these companies.

How Does DNS Work?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is like the internet’s phonebook. When you type a domain name into your browser, DNS translates that name into an IP address, which is the real address of the website’s server. Here’s a simple way to understand the process:

  1. You type a domain name (like www.example.com) into your browser.
  2. Your browser asks a DNS server to find the IP address for that domain name.
  3. The DNS server looks up the IP address and sends it back to your browser.
  4. Your browser connects to the website’s server using that IP address.
  5. The server sends the website’s data to your browser, and the website loads.

Simple Steps to Switch Your Domain to a Different Web Host

Sometimes you might want to move your website to a different web hosting company. For example, you might be hosting your web site with one company but have decided to move your web hosting to Bower Web Solutions. Here’s a simple guide to make that switch:

Step 1: Choose a New Web Host

First, select the new web hosting company you want to use, suhc as Bower Web Solutions. Contact us to sign up for a web hosting account.

Step 2: Find Your DNS Settings

Log in to your domain registrar’s website (where you purchased/registered your domain name). Look for the DNS settings or domain management section. This is where you can change where your domain points.

Step 3: Update Your Nameservers

Your new web host (such as Biwer Web Solutions) will give you their nameserver addresses. Nameservers tell the DNS where your website’s server is located. For example, they might look like this:

  • ns1.newhost.com
  • ns2.newhost.com

Replace your old nameserver addresses with the new ones from your new host. This tells the DNS to start sending visitors to your new web host’s servers.

Step 4: Save and Wait

Save your changes. It can take up to 72 hours for DNS changes to fully propagate (update) across the internet, but often it’s much faster. During this time, your website might go down temporarily.

Step 5: Move Your Website Files

Use an FTP client or your new host’s file manager to upload your website files to the new server. If you’re using a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, you may need to export your database and import it to the new web hosting server. we can help with that too.

Step 6: Test Your Website

Once the DNS changes have propagated, visit your domain name in a browser to make sure everything is working correctly. Check different pages and features to ensure the move was successful.


Understanding domain names, registrars, and how DNS works can demystify the process of managing a website. Knowing how to switch your domain to a different web host is a valuable skill that can help you ensure your website runs smoothly. By following these simple steps, you can take control of your online presence with confidence. But if you are not comfortable with performing any of these steops yourself, we are happy to help!

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