What is Content Marketing?
An Overview Of The New Way to Reach Consumers
With all of the activity spanning across the web today, the average user cycles through an innumerable amount of articles, posts, pictures, videos, tweets, and Facebook posts every minute every hour of every day. The big question here is: how do you get someone to click on your link and enter your domain? The answer is right here: content. What you put on your website is what will bring Internet consumers- and even better, potentially your consumers- to visit your page. As opposed to going out and selling yourself, wasting time and money on cold calling and paid advertisements, you are providing the content that will become the attraction that brings customers to you- this is what we call content marketing. Is that something you might be interested in?
There are many inner workings of the Internet that are not apparent to the eye. Search engine optimization, article sharing, and keyword relevancy are some of the aspects that contribute directly to the traffic you receive on your website even if you don’t know they’re happening. They could even be happening in this article right now. Especially for a small business, it’s unlikely that people are searching for your website by entering your company’s name word by word. They’ll more than likely be searching for a topic, an answer to a question, or for a local business that offers a product or a service that they desire. This is where your content comes in.
Take part in the discussion
With all of these Internet searchers looking for different information on topics, news, entertainment, and products or services, you need to be the one supplying the information and engaging in the topic talk. Putting your opinion or knowledge into organized content on your website will submit your words and other media of your pieces into the cybersphere. Search engines will register your site as one that is partaking in the discussion of these topics. Now when people search for something, you’ll already be talking about it- your content will be the result of their search. You get the clicks and you get the traffic.
Forms of content marketing include:
- Blog posts (opinions/thoughts on relevant topics)
- Social media participation
- Keyword usage throughout your website
- Creating unique infographics
- “How-To” guides
- Case Studies
- Rankings in list form
- Interviews with influential people
All of the material that goes into these forms of content are indexed by sites like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Therefore, when someone searches through their engine, your matching words, phrases, and relevant content will be retrieved and displayed for them to access. This is what we call content marketing, with your material becoming what is attracting your customers. It’s one way of performing two functions as advertisement and substance. Even something as small as a Twitter post can land you a link on Google if it is relevant enough to the search. Although quality is always the aim, content marketing requires a substantial quantity of content to increase your chances of hitting a home run and landing on that first Google results page.
Now’s your chance to start participating. Send us a message here for more information on content marketing and how you can incorporate it into your marketing strategy.