Author - Daniel Bower

Tips for Inbound Marketing

Gone are the days when just having a website was enough. These days, having a GREAT website is one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy. In most cases, having an effective website can give you a huge advantage over conventional BLT advertising. One of the most interesting attributes of...

Domain Name Transfer Scam Alert

If you receive a renewal notice by U.S. mail or email for your domain name, please be careful! It is quite possibly that it is NOT a valid invoice! Several registrars are targeting unsuspecting domain owners with domain expiration notices disguised as renewal invoices. These phony "invoices", which are sent by...

How To Stop Or Prevent Spam or Junk Email

Remove your e-mail address from your website If you list or link to your e-mail address(es), you WILL be spammed. Address-harvesting robots (known as spambots) will spider your site and other web sites throughout the internet and extract them. So remove them wherever possible and use web-based forms instead. Bower Web...


How To Clear / Reset Browser Cache

At Bower Web Solutions, we try to post your requested changes as quickly as possible. Sometimes the latest changes do not appear evident of your local computer as your device may still be reading a slightly earlier version of the web page(s) in question. If current information does not appear in...