Posting Video On Your Website To Increase Sales
There are many ways to use video to promote your company. What are the best ways of using video that can be produced quickly and produce leads? Read on!
There are many ways to use video to promote your company. What are the best ways of using video that can be produced quickly and produce leads? Read on!
"If I had a child I'd make sure the web address for their name is available before naming them." Personal branding guru William Arruda at NYU speaking event. William Arruda might be carrying it to an extreme, but many online marketers recommend purchasing a URL before registering a company. Since most of us are committed to...
Our web design clients commonly ask, "How can your web design and development company help improve the search engine results for my web site?". People want to get the best search engine results possible for their web site by hiring us to perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so when potential...
You hear a lot about social media these days as being the "golden goose" for your business. While social media has much to offer your business, it's not all peaches and cream. Here is a list of some popular misconceptions about social media:
At Bower Web Solutions, we are asked this question constantly. Here is a list of items you need to consider to help drive more traffic to your web site. Many of these items we do for you as part of your web development project. If you created your web site...
Everyone these days is talking about social media, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, to promote their business. But is it right for you? What are the advantages and disadvantages in launching and maintaining a social media campaign?
Regardless of what your company does, its overall size or the market you serve, the reality in today's business world is you need a website. Period. I would be hard pressed to find anyone that would disagree with this observation. It goes without saying, your company should have an appealing,...
You may be surprised to learn that YouTube is the second-largest search engine. It is bigger than Yahoo. It is bigger than Microsoft's Bing, according to most sources (which kind of makes sense given the fact that YouTube is now owned by Google). That being said, you are...