
Hulu Plus Now Available on AppleTV

Apple has launched a Hulu Plus feature on Apple TV today without much fanfare. Current owners of AppleTV units may need to reboot their devices for the Hulu Plus channel to appear. Hulu Plus is a U.S. online subscription streaming video service with support from many television networks and studios. Existing Hulu Plus users can...

How to Remove Bad Reviews from Google

Getting your customers to writing positive reviews on Google+ Local for your company is a great way to drive traffic to your site and increase your search rankings. On the flip side, someone might post an unfavorable review of your business. We get asked by our clients how they might...

Typeface Trends in Web Design

The use of specific type faces in web design has always been difficult. Unless you were willing use graphic versions of your fonts (thus eliminating any Search Engine Optimization benefits) web designers were limited to use such generic web fonts as Times New Roman, Georgia, Arial, Verdana, and perhaps Tahoma. Luckily...

Why Your Business Needs A Mobile Web Site Now

95 percent of smartphone users have looked for local information, with 88 percent of these users acting on information within one day, most often contacting or visiting a business.’ according to a Google commissioned survey. Smartphone users are ready to act: Nearly nine out of 10 smartphone searches end in an...