

Connecting to our server with FTP

Many servers including Bower Web Solutions' Linux server now require a more secure FTP (File Transfer Protocol ) connection. Our servers now require a connection known as explicit FTP with TLS. Many older ftp clients do not connect via explicit FTP via TLS including Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 or before. The following tutorial...

Don’t Pay For DNS Services If You Already Get It For Free – Avoid This Scam!

DNS invoice sent to Bower Web Solutions client. A company called DNS Services is sending out what appear to be hard-copy invoices.  Cleverly buried among other verbiage is the disclaimer that is is a solicitation and not actually a bill. What makes the invoice appear genuine is that it contains information extracted from...

Creating a Home Page That Works

In the board game Monopoly, the most valuable piece of real estate to own in the game is Boardwalk. In terms of your company's website, the most important page is your Home Page. A well crafted home page is vital to the overall success of your business online. When potential...

How to Optimize Images For The Web Online

Many users take pictures with their digital cameras for the purpose of using those images on their sites, but they may not think to optimize images before putting them up on their website. Digital cameras capture images at higher "resolutions" which create files with more digital information (or "pixels") than are really...

Mobile Development

Is Your Website Mobile Ready?

In the days and weeks following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, millions of people were without power or internet both at their homes and offices. They relied solely upon their mobile smartphones for Internet access to read their email and visit websites. In today's business world, companies can no longer afford...